A piece of bunting summarising the first training day for the co-production workshops. Created by our very own Young People Workshop Facilitators!
What are the barriers and facilitators for an art and wellbeing programme in schools? In our focus groups, we use a tree as a metaphor to help participants think of the challenges the programme may face (like a tree faces challenges of pollution) and what a programme may need to grow (like a tree needs sun and water). We ask participants to engage creatively with the tree to add any barriers and facilitators.
We escaped! The Create for Confidence team went to an escape room as a team building experience. (from left to right: Liz, Stan, Elizabeth, Alice, Nikki, Naomi and Shafia)
The Create for Confidence Team at the FUTURES Schools Research Fair in October 2023 (from left to right: Bridget, Naomi, Nikki, Hester)
FUTURES Schools Research Fair in October 2023: How Year 7s and 8s feel when they are being creative
Create for Confidence logo chosen! Martha (from our Young Person’s Advisory Group) won our logo competition (voted for by our adult advisory group)
Young Person Advisory Group meeting: Group paint pouring activity
Young Person Advisory Group meeting: Practice for student focus groups with avatars and creative tree activity
Young Person Advisory Group meeting: Creative tree activity to think about what the key challenges are for an art and wellbeing programme
Abi (Year 10 student’s) work experience
Young Person Advisory Group meeting: Group paint pouring activity at the start of the session
Young Person Advisory Group meeting: Group paint pouring activity at the end of the session
Young Person Advisory Group meeting: Mark making activity and voting for the project name
Young Person Advisory Group meeting: Key questions when designing and art and wellbeing programme for schools